Early Career Network

1st Early Career day: the 25th of October 2016

Early Career Day

On October 25, 2016 we are organizing our first Early Career Network event. This Early Career Day will take place at the Space Pole and is open to all interested early career staff. You decide yourself if you are early career! If you want to participate, please register before October 20 (deadline to register has been extended until Wednesday October 19 included).

The Early Career Day will consist of different networking activities and workshops, and will end in a get-together in the evening, to which all staff members are invited. The morning activities will be held in the Meridian room of the Observatory, the workshops will take place at different locations around the Space Pole.

10:00-10:30: Welcome and Introduction (Coffee is served at 09:45)
10:30-11:00: Introductory games
11:00-12:30: Speed-Networking (Bring a conversation starter!)
12:30-13:00: Early Career Network Discussion
13:00-14:00: Lunch break
14:00-15:30: Tour of the Space Pole
15:30-16:00: Coffee break
16:00-17:30: Workshops

18:00: Reception, open to all Space Pole staff (senior staff mambers register through ecg@oma.be)

Networking activities

Important! For the Speed-Networking activity we ask all participants to bring a work object as a conversation starter. This can be a tool or instrument from your workshop or lab, a photo, a paper,... Anything related to your work that will spark a conversation is allowed!

Early Career Network feedback session

Please also think about what you expect from this Early Career Network and what future activities and workshops you would like to have organized. This will be discussed in the EC Network session in the morning.


In the afternoon, the participants will split in three subgroups for the workshops described below. Each participant can only attend one workshop.
When registering, you will be asked to indicate your preference for the workshops. This information will help us with the organization.

Evening Activity

We will close the day with a reception, to which all staff members of the Space Pole are also invited. This reception will start at 18:00 and will take place in the Meridian Room and the rotonde at the Observatory.


We are grateful for the financial support received from the Interuniversity Attraction Poles Planet Topers and CHARM to organize this event. All members of these IUAP networks are very welcome to join for the Early Career Day activities and especially the reception as well!