Session 2 - Precursors and signatures of eruptive events

Conveners: Barbara Thompson (GSFC), James Mason (GSFC)
Monday 29/10, 11:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 30/10, 09:00 - 10:30

There are a variety of diagnostics used to study the energy storage/release and particle acceleration/transportation in solar eruptions. SDO's broad coverage in the spatiotemporal and thermal domains facilitates detailed case studies (using complementary data from other observatories) and ensemble studies of solar flares and eruptive events. Relevant topics include: 1) Distinguishing active regions as sites of eruptive vs. non-eruptive events, 2) Flux rope and prominence destabilization, 2) SEE energetics and particle acceleration, 3) Coronal dimmings as CME proxy, 4) EUV spectral irradiance evolution during flares.

Plenary speaker: Jiong Qiu (Montana State University)


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Monday October 29, 09:30 - 10:30
09:30The Atmospheric Imaging Assembly: Science Highlights, Analysis Techniques and Instrument StatusCheung, MOral
10:00Signatures of Magnetic Flux Ropes: What Are They and What Do They Do Before Eruption?Qiu, JInvited Oral

Monday October 29, 11:00 - 12:00
11:00Which factors of an active region determine whether a strong flare will be CME associated or not? Veronig, AOral
11:15The Origin of Major Solar Activity - Collisional Shearing Between Nonconjugated Polarities of Different Bipoles Nested Within Active RegionsChintzoglou, GOral
11:30Flare reconnection driven magnetic field and Lorentz force variations at the Sun’s surfaceBarczynski, KOral
11:45Spatial and temporal localization of enhanced chromospheric 3-minute oscillations before, during, and after the 2011-February-15 X2.2 flareFarris, LOral

Monday October 29, 13:15 - 15:00
13:15Solar flare distributions: lognormal instead of power law?Verbeeck, COral
13:30Broken Self-Organized-Criticality Scenario for Solar Flares Energy Release Observed by SDO/AIAPodladchikova, EOral
13:45Post-Flare Loop SignaturesWest, MOral
14:00An Observationally Constrained Model of a Flux Rope that Formed in the Solar CoronaJames, AOral
14:15Initiation of Stealth CMEs: Clues from Numerical Modelling and In-Situ ComparisonsTalpeanu, DOral
14:30The nature of imploding loops during solar eruptions as revealed by MHD simulations and AIA observationsAulanier, GOral

Monday October 29, 16:30 - 17:00
16:30Association between Tornadoes and Instability of Hosting ProminencesMghebrishvili, IOral
16:45Study of the characteristics of Compact Interplanetary Radio Type IV BurstsTalebpour sheshvan, NOral

Tuesday October 30, 09:00 - 10:30
09:00Studying the dynamics of coronal dimmings and their relationship to flares and coronal mass ejectionsDissauer, KOral
09:15A new analysis of stability of active regions for understanding and predicting the onset of solar eruptions Kusano, KOral
09:30Properties of Coronal Mass Ejections as Inferred from Coronal DimmingNitta, NOral
09:45Electric-current Neutralization and Eruptive Activity of Solar Active RegionsTorok, TOral
10:00Excess Lorentz Force in Major Solar EruptionsSun, XOral
10:15Studying stealth CMEs using advanced imaging analysis techniquesO'kane, JOral


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Spatiotemporal Heliomarker Discovery from Spatiotemporal Frequent PatternsAydin, B
A study on the relationship between hard X-ray emission and magnetic field changes during solar flaresCaicedo, W
Detection of Three-minute Oscillations in Full-disk Lyman-alpha Emission during a Solar FlareMilligan, R
Multi-wavelength observations of 4 homologous global coronal wavesLong, D
AWARE: An algorithm for the automated characterization of EUV waves in the solar atmosphereIreland, J
Understanding the Role of Mass-Unloading in a Filament EruptionLong, D
Oscillations along Flare Loops in Multiple Wavelengths and their Correlations to Photospheric WavesHess webber, S
Dynamic Mapping of Solar EruptionsThompson, B
On the Magnetic Topology and Extreme Ultraviolet in Solar Flares with Late PhaseChen, J
A Truly Global Extreme Ultraviolet Wave from the SOL2017-09-10 X8.2+ Solar Flare-Coronal Mass EjectionLiu, W
Estimation of Halo CME’s radial speeds using coronal shock waves based on SDO/AIA observationsJeong, H
Effect of transport coefficients on excitation of flare-induced standing slow-mode waves in coronal loopsWang, T